Feedback Sessions with an Artist


Whether you are working professionally as an artist, hope to do so at some stage, whether you are self trained, work across media, across disciplines or are in the process of figuring all these things out, these bookable sessions will be available to support (not exclusively):

Dialogue around ideas and work in progress:

  • Discussion around the approaches, practicalities or ethics of production and working with others
  • Support in thinking through the wheres and hows of sharing work
  • Advice or feedback on applications and proposals

Meetings are available to book on a sliding scale basis of £47 - £304. The highest fee is for Commercial or High Institutional funded support. The basic fee is 47£ for unfunded artists. We also welcome gifts/ non-monetary payments from artists if the basic fee is prohibitive.

The full budget breakdown details how these costs were determined and where they will be applied. Please note the surplus on higher costs is funneled back into the co-op to support further work within the not/nowhere community.

Eligible Applicants:

  • Our highest priority is to work with applicants who are currently not in formal education, especially those who have never received institutional arts education or were structurally under-served during their education.
  • Other highest priorities are to work with 'amateur' artists, persons with care duties, persons over 35, persons who have recently returned from an extended break from practicing regularly.
  • If you are currently studying at RCA, Goldsmiths, UAL, UoL, UCL, GSA, ECA or any other BA/ MA Fine Art programme, we kindly ask that you seek feedback from a tutor at your University. If feedback in your department is insufficient you can apply, please indicate the nature of your 'special case'
  • You will need to be signed up to community n/n to participate. the community n/n co-op subscription is 15£ for one year.
  • Sign up here if you haven’t already.
  • Pay What you Can option for community n/n lab members is available (include your NN code in the comment section)

Lead artist bios:

Noorafshan Mirza is an interdisciplinary artist filmmaker with over 20 years experience in in Artists Film, Expanded Cinema, Analogue Film, Socially Engaged Practice and Political film (Militant Cinema, Documentary & Fiction). They are a Lecturer in the Performance Design & Practice department at Central Saint Martins.

Ima-Abasi Okon lives and works in London and Amsterdam.