Direct Animation on 16mm Film
This is a 2-day workshop with Leena Habiballa and Rehana Zaman.
DAY ONE: You will experiment with a range of pen and brush-based techniques to create striking and impactful images on film - all without a camera. As part of the day, we will watch and discuss historical and contemporary moving image works that use direct animation techniques; we will work with clear film, black leader and found footage through drawing, scratching, and collage, using pens, inks, DIY tools and organic materials.
DAY TWO: You will experiment with a range of kinetic and situated techniques to create visual images on film. This can be how you manipulate the film by hand and by introducing eco materials (trees, soil, bodies of water!). You will also learn to splice your film and load it onto a 16mm projector.
The results from both days will be projected at a screening and discussion. A digitised version of the footage will be sent to each member of the group. This session is perfect for beginners, artists, and makers with prior knowledge who are looking to experiment with new ways of working or who want to open up their existing processes to input from a group.
The workshop fee includes the cost of film stock and the cost of development and digitisation, which will be sent back to you after it has been processed. Workshop prices also include the cost of a community n/n membership (£15 annually), which gives access to our workshops, equipment hire, studio hire (by appointment) and a reference library of books on analogue filmmaking. Existing community n/n members should use their discount code at checkout. Concessions are available; see our website for details.

Facilitated by Leena Habiballa, Rehana Zaman, Ibrahim Kargbo
Price: £125